Hi, shaun, sorry for the delay.

Ambi is apparently a concatenative, stack-based language, similar to
Cat. Those are interesting for their own reasons (and they also have
their own problems) but it's not exactly what I'm thinking of.

REBOL is much closer, but I would like to have more diversity of
approaches with a similar syntax, not just REBOL clones.

So what do I want?

Let's start with Lisp. It's a great programming language and the
syntax is beautiful, because you can always parse an S-expression,
even if you don't know what's in there. Also, paren matching is a
non-issue with something like Paredit. I want to make it clear, I love
the parens, I hate infix notation (except, perhaps, for RDF, where
everything is made of triples), and I find indentation-based syntax
kind of pointless.

The only problem I see with the parens is when you try to "speak" in
Lisp. Human language is not like that. People build complex sentences,
with higher-order functions, without using anything like parens. The
main difference is the use of types. Human language is usually typed.
This has been discussed since Montague's "English as a formal
language", maybe before that. Nowadays the idea of treating spoken
language as a typed formal language is pretty standard in machine
translation. For instance, have a look at GF, a modern open source
tool to build multi-translation systems:




So it seems clear that a speech-like language should have types, but
not types like "integer" or "character", but types like "noun" "noun
phrase" and "proposition". But there must be tools to convert from any
type to any other, as we also do in natural speech. For instance, we
say "Mary walks" but we can also say "walking is healthy".

For programming languages, maybe simply-typed lambda calculus, with
just one type, would be more adequate. In any case, I'm interested in
ways to have a terse, concise, regular *and* highly expressive syntax,
with no built-in assumptions about types, but where types can help you
use fewer words.

Here's a little example I made up of the kind of syntax I would like
to see. Don't take it very seriously, it's just to convey the idea of
what I'm looking for, because you ask for examples.

We have a function definition in Kernel lisp:

($define! print ($lambda (x) (map write-char (string->list x))))

Now, with a pure Polish, simply-typed syntax I think it may be
something like this:

$type $define! $fun e fun! e e
$type $lambda $fun e e
$type $map $fun e fun e e
$type write-char fun! e e
$type string->list fun e e

$define! print $lambda x map write-char string->list x

The dollar signs mark the operatives (ie the fexprs), so I'm borrowing
some syntax from Kernel. Sorry for mixing up two ideas which are very
different, but that's how I see it now. Otherwise, I would have to use
quotation instead of operatives.

Notice that I'm using pure Polish notation even in the type
signatures. This is not standard practice in type theory, where
instead they use infix arrows and parens, which I find more ugly. For
instance, instead of:

$type map $fun e fun e e

Using a more standard notation it would be like this:

map :: e $-> e -> e

I had to turn "map" into an operative (hence "$map"), otherwise, as I
said, I would have to quote the function. This is because I don't know
the type of the function which will serve as argument to "map". In
Haskell the type signature of "map" is:

"(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]"

Once you are using this kind of trick in the type signature, I wonder
whether the type system is pushing the limits of the expressivity of
your type signature notation, so I would like to be able to avoid
those notation tricks, and one way to do so, I think, is to take as
argument the symbol, instead of the function itself.

Also, the new version of "$lambda!" only takes one argument (ie, "x")
instead of a list of arguments. So, I would need nested lambdas for
several arguments. This is not unusual in some notations. I just
wanted to show you a version with no lists at all, but of course,
there's nothing wrong with having some functions take a list as
argument where it makes sense. I just want to reduce the use of lists
as much as possible, to make the language more concise.

I hope this helps clarify my previous post.



On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 5:52 PM, shaun gilchrist <shaunxc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This looks interesting: https://code.google.com/p/ambi/ - instead of
> supporting infix it supports both polish and reverse polish. Can you give
> some examples of what your ideal syntax would look like which illustrates
> the "spoken language" aspect you touched on? -Shaun
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