Reading the book "Trillions: Thiving in the Emerging Information Ecology",
there is some pretty harsh criticism of the current state of play in
computing.  It seems to resonate with my understanding of FoNC and its
publications, particularly the lack of rigour/math in current
design/development and the opportunity lost.  Looking at the Culler keynote
slides  from  , it appears there is some
environmental and financial pressure to embrace the trillion nodes, sooner
rather than later.  It is understood it is not a goal of FoNC to deliver
executable artifacts  and there is likely enough already published with
Maru + its application to graphics in Nile, to conceive how an elementary
"headless node" with connectivity + storage might be implemented, but it
would be informative to look at what better minds had already tried ... in
say the "lower" 2k LOC ? that comprise the FoNC 20k concept.  Any chance ?

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