Ugly buildings.  It's all yours.  You can have it.

On Dec 29, 2012, at 4:14 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:

> <sarcasm> But don't you understand? Falun Dafa is the new answer-for-it-all! 
> </sarcasm>
> When will people simply address their fears? We *are* going to die.
> Julian
> On 30/12/2012, at 11:08 AM, John Carlson <> wrote:
>> Sorry, I use "it" too much.  What I was trying to say was that science 
>> doesn't have an axiom for Falun Dafa, like science has for a point.
>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:03 PM, John Carlson <> wrote:
>> John,
>> The FONC grant is done.  Let it be.  Please leave your email behavior at the 
>> door.  As to why science cannot believe in such things is because of Godel's 
>> Incompleteness Theorems.  Science doesn't have an axiom for it like it does 
>> for a point (in math).
>> Find the most succinct axiom you can find, and bring it to us.  Here are two 
>> that could be improved:
>> Something doesn't come from nothing.
>> Complexity doesn't increase.
>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 5:33 PM, John Pratt <> wrote:
>> These are larger issues, rarely brought up anywhere except in
>> places where people don't counter the mainstream.  How is it
>> that FONC needs to exist?  Because people don't consider things
>> like this.
>> On Dec 29, 2012, at 3:27 PM, David Leibs wrote:
>>> Are you sure you don't want a response from me? Are you trying to put Alan 
>>> in a petri dish?
>>> -David Leibs
>>> On Dec 29, 2012, at 3:23 PM, John Pratt <> wrote:
>>>> I want a response from Alan Kay on this thread.  Then I will leave you all 
>>>> alone.
>>>> On Dec 29, 2012, at 3:16 PM, David Harris wrote:
>>>>> What are you on about?  How is this related to FONC?
>>>>> David
>>>>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:10 PM, John Pratt <> wrote:
>>>>> What sickness science brings to everyday people!  They cannot even 
>>>>> believe in mysterious things, such as the divine, without first thinking 
>>>>> it has to show up on a laboratory microscope.
>>>>> The petri dish has to exist before the thing will be acknowledged as 
>>>>> fitting inside a petri dish.
>>>>> "We don't have a petri dish for that.  It cannot exist.  I cannot study 
>>>>> it inside of its petri dish."
>>>>> "Tell me where its petri dish is first, then I will believe you and we 
>>>>> will go study it."
>>>>> Mystical things of the past are regarded as superstition, described in 
>>>>> terms of theoretical, mechanical concepts.  Automobiles, air planes, and 
>>>>> light rail trains are the indicators of supreme accomplishments given to 
>>>>> man by this modern science.
>>>>> Computers, electronics are never questioned for what they are 
>>>>> underneath-- a huge mess of chemical circuits.  Contemptible expediency 
>>>>> in its approach to making its own version of warped plastic and silicon 
>>>>> clockwork.
>>>>> Cram as much as you invent into the smallest space possible, sheath it 
>>>>> with cosmetic jewelry cases, and sell it to the world, telling the world 
>>>>> it is pure jewelry, inside and out.  When it happens to hit the floor, 
>>>>> the lie is exposed-- a mess of soldering, wires, and toxic chemicals.
>>>>> Dazzling athletics, to cram this inelegant approach to match the world's 
>>>>> demand for novelty and excitement.
>>>>> Pack it all into a tiny package.  Call it sheer wizardry and a triumph of 
>>>>> modern science.  Its engineers confounded by accusations of philistine 
>>>>> circuitry-- "engineering, math, and science works!  our engineering 
>>>>> campus buildings are not ugly-- they are utilitarian!  I like math and 
>>>>> was good at it in high school."
>>>>> If the shoe fits, wear it regardless of whether the shoe is distasteful 
>>>>> in appearance on the outside.  Make a distasteful shoe, cover it up with 
>>>>> a cosmetic shell.  Where there is a problem, an engineer will solve it.  
>>>>> Make sure that you don't need a solution you want to know about, however. 
>>>>>  Just be content that a problem was solved and look the other way when 
>>>>> the details are explained of its operation.
>>>>> "That'll do the trick."
>>>>> I didn't like parabolas because the world cannot be reduced to two, 
>>>>> three, or four axes, thank you very much.
>>>>> I don't like polynomials because I want to draw the line before I call it 
>>>>> a function of the world, saying that the world consists only of 
>>>>> deterministic, reductionist functions.  "Oh, then you are just tired of 
>>>>> 'discreteness' and you need its polar opposite of discreteness, 
>>>>> non-discreteness."
>>>>> Such is mathematics and science today.  "Why does no one want to learn 
>>>>> math and science anymore??"
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