(Forwarded from Layers thread)

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 1:44 PM, Gath-Gealaich

> Isn't one of the points of idst/COLA/Frank/whatever-it-is-called-today to
> simplify the development of domain-specific models to such an extent that
> their casual application becomes conceivable, and indeed even practical, as
> opposed to designing a new one-size-fits-all language every decade or so?

I had another idea the other day that could profit from a domain-specific
> model: a model for compiler passes. I stumbled upon the nanopass approach
> [1] to compiler construction some time ago and found that I like it. Then
> it occurred to me that if one could express the passes in some sort of a
> domain-specific language, the total compilation pipeline could be assembled
> from the individual passes in a much more efficient way that would be the
> case if the passes were written in something like C++.
> In order to do that, however, no matter what the intermediate values in
> the pipeline would be (trees? annotated graphs?), the individual passes
> would have to be analyzable in some way. For example, two passes may or may
> not interfere with each other, and therefore may or may not be commutative,
> associative, and/or fusable (in the same respect that, say, Haskell maps
> over lists are fusable). I can't imagine that C++ code would be analyzable
> in this way, unless one were to use some severely restricted subset of C++
> code. It would be ugly anyway.
> Composing the passes by fusing the traversals and transformations would
> decrease the number of memory accesses, speed up the compilation process,
> and encourage the compiler writer to write more fine-grained passes, in the
> same sense that deep inlining in modern language implementations encourages
> the programmer to write small and reusable routines, even higher-order
> ones, without severe performance penalties. Lowering the barrier to
> implementing such a problem-specific language seems to make such an
> approach viable, perhaps even desirable, given how convoluted most
> "production compilers" seem to be.
> (If I've just written something that amounts to complete gibberish, please
> shoot me. I just felt like writing down an idea that occurred to me
> recently and bouncing it off somebody.)
> - Gath
> [1] Kent Dybvig, A nanopass framework for compiler education (2005),
> http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
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