One way of escaping is indentation, like Markdown.

    This is arbitrary code
        This is arbitrary code *in* arbitrary code.
            and so on.

No more escape sequences in the quotation.  You just have the
inconvenience of prefixing each line with a tab or something.


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 10:24:20PM -0700, David Barbour wrote:
> Text is also one of the problems I've been banging my head against since
> Friday. Thing is, I really hate escapes. They have this nasty geometric
> progression when dealing with deeply quoted code:
>      {} -> {{\}} -> {{{\\\}\}} -> {{{{\\\\\\\}\\\}\}} ->
>         {{{{{\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\}\\\\\\\}\\\}\}}
> I feel escapes are too easy to handle incorrectly, and too difficult to
> inspect for correctness. I'm currently contemplating a potential solution:
> require all literal text to use balanced `{` and `}` characters, and use
> post-processing in ABC to introduce any imbalance. This could be performed
> in a streaming manner. Inductively, all quoted code would be balanced.
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