--- Comment #25 from Pierre Ossman <> ---
Sorry for the delay here. I'm trying to set up a VM so I can play around more
freely with things. However I'm having trouble getting epiphany to respect the
settings properly. It's still not doing full hinting, even with the
modifications from comment 6. So there must be something else I've done to my
workstation. Everything else is fully hinted, just not Epiphany.

Marek, were you able to get Epiphany to render things the way I'm seeing? And
if so, with what changes?

On the plus side, I'm seeing something similar in GNOME Software, which
supports the idea that this is not specific to Epiphany. However it doesn't
have the per-character behaviour, but rather per paragraph. It is also
misplacing things vertically, rather than horizontally. But wouldn't that cause
issues with "modern" hinting as well, as that still hints vertically? If so,
then it is perhaps a general bug rather than incompatibility with full hinting.

I'll attach a screenshot of what I'm seeing with GNOME software.

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