--- Comment #25 from Oleg Oshmyan <> ---
What libass could, in fact, do better here is it could better match the size of
the primary font (Noto Sans Arabic) used for the numerals and the fallback font
used for the Latin, so that the apparent font size at least wouldn't jerk
around like that (on this pair of fonts at least... there's never any guarantee
about size consistency when using two different fonts). But I don't see how it
could be expected to not choose Arabic in the first place.

The thing with the file picker likely has the same cause: Noto Sans Arabic has
the same units-per-EM size and the same glyph sizes in units as Noto Sans, but
it declares its ascender and descender heights to be much larger than Noto Sans
does. Possibly to accommodate more complex Arabic glyphs; I don't know. But
this directly affects the line height, because, well, that's exactly what those
values control.

The reason the glyphs in the file picker look the same (just a larger line
height) whereas the glyphs in mpv look different (smaller) is that they
determine font size differently: the file picker sets a fixed glyph size and
uses whatever line height it results in, whereas libass does the opposite: it
sets a fixed line height and uses whatever glyphs it results in (this is by
design, because libass is an ASS subtitle renderer and this is how ASS defines
font size).

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