On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 06:23:09PM +0100, David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] wrote:
> Hello guys! :)
> I have created the wiki page as requested (finally)
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/URW_base35_fonts, but I didn't go through
> the pain of filling out the tables there completely. It actually does not
> makes sense for a package that has multiple fonts families. Probably the
> whole table would be checked, without any real value/information for the
> users.
> So where did we end up on that use AppStream for fonts previews in Gnome
> Software? The urw-base35-fonts have manually written AppStream files for
> them, so you should (hopefully) see those fonts being available on F27+.


on up-to-date F27 installation, with urw-base35-fonts-20170801-4.fc27.noarch
and gnome-software-3.26.6-1.fc27.x86_64, it seems that those fonts are NOT
shown by gnome-software. Neither searching for "urw" nor "nimbus" yields
any results.

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