J> Dear webmaster of fontconfig.org and webmaster of
J> xfree86.org/current/fonts.html, Juliusz Chroboczek

I'm merely the author of the latter document.  I am not a web site
maintainer (which I take is what ``webmaster'' means).

J> 1) Please mention xft and FontConfig on this page, and describe what
J> they are for, and how they relate to the rest of the information on
J> www.xfree86.org/current/fonts.html

The document does explicitly state that RENDER fonts are not
described.  They will be in 4.3.0 if I have time to write a section.

Help is of course warmly welcome -- I didn't find anything on
fontconfig.org that is suitable for verbatim theft.

J> In both cases you may consider to describe the mechanism of how a
J> font-family choice (e.g. on a web-page) propagates to a unique fully
J> specified X font-name of an installed font to be used to render the
J> font (on the web-page).

Why do you believe that an XFree86 document should describe how your
web browser works?

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