Hi all,

  As I'm totally agree that, the fontconfig brings a lot of benefit for us. It provide 
a far 
better cleaner approach to "manage" the fonts in the system, however, I would also 
know that, besides Gnome, KDE, and mozilla, does other major software in Linux have 
used or decide to shift to use fontconfig (or even with Xft, ft2)? For example, OOo, 
Ghostscript, gnome office, koffice?

  As I think that, one of the fontconfig adv is to ease to management of fonts, or
configuring new fonts in the system, without applying fontconfig for other major
software (esp OOo and GS), user (including me, sure) will still need to waste their
time to configure a font for different system, am I right??

Thanks, and regards
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