On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 10:57, Andrew Zabolotny wrote:
> Hello!
> I decided to set up some central repository which would contain most
> fonts used in our company so that all running X11 servers would fetch
> the fonts from the server. This works perfectly with xfs (the old-style
> X11 font server); however, I haven't found any information about how to
> use this scheme with fontconfig.
> The problem is that /etc/fonts/fonts.conf contains just directories,
> and does not allow specifying a X font server. Thus all gtk2
> applications see only the local fonts, but not the PostScript fonts that
> can be found on the font server.
> One possible solution I can think of is to share the font directories
> through Samba or NFS and to tell fc-list to look there for fonts. But I
> don't like this idea, because it looks like a kind of ugly hack.

Why is this an ugly hack? It's perfectly the correct way to do this.
If you were distributing any other type of file (binaries, images,
etc), you would use a file server...

>  Is
> there any way I can share fonts through a network by using only
> fontconfig and Xft extension? Or the Xft API is designed such that an
> application can always ask the physical path of the font server file and
> there is no other way to do this other than to share the files themself?

The idea of fontconfig is that it's almost impossible to predict
what parts of a font file an application will need, so it's much
simpler to simply have the file there.


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