On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 04:33:47PM +0200, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
>DD> If you personally choose not to meet their needs (which is
>DD> entirely up to you, and entirely reasonable), someone else might.
>What exactly are you arguing with ?

The notion you expressed that adding features to the freetype backend
goes against a goal of encouraging application developers to move to
client side fonts, and with the corollary that perhaps such code should
be excluded for that reason.  Nothing more and nothing less.

>If you (or somebody else) has the time to read and understand
>Chisato's code right now, please do.

I have read the code enough to see that the changes are consistent with
the changelog that accompanied them.  I don't claim to understand all
of the finer points (and a more detailed review is certainly welcome).
I'm encouraged by the fact that the After X-TT Project has been working
on and fixing a number of stability problems, and eliminating the need
for two "truetype" backends for the XFree86 server.

The code has been committed, and needs testing.  If no significant
problems are found, it can remain for the 4.4 release.

David Dawes
Founder/committer/developer                     The XFree86 Project
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