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Hi !

Did you benefit from the 7 tips to write headlines? You 
received them about 2 days ago at your request. Remember?

Well today you have a message that could help you start a
steady income in just a short while. Look out for the bonus gift below as well.

I promise you this will be the most important and profitable
letter you will read all year... maybe the most profitable
letter you will EVER read.

"Wealth - A Simple Numbers Game"

Please read this short report very carefully. In doing so,
you will discover a "system" that is outrageously powerful
thanks to the whirlwind synergy of a few simple factors all
pulling together.

The end result is an explosive way to turn this little
report into a non-stop personal fortune for yourself,
THIS YEAR - and the next - and the next.

1. Simplicity Is The Key
2. 'Free' Draws The Crowds
3. The Numbers Game

These 3 simple concepts are going to turn this report into
pure gold for you. Before telling you how it all works, I'm
going to explain each of those 3 concepts very briefly...

Simplicity Is The Key...

The easier it is, the more money you will make. It's as
simple as that!

Complicate things for people and you doom the idea before it
gets off the ground. Make it easy and it will explode like
wildfire on a hot, windy day.

This "system" is so simple that only THREE short, easy steps
are needed to activate the process.

That's all.

THREE simple steps and you, and everyone who joins you, gets
on a roll immediately.

That's the first thing that gives my "system" its proven
pulling power.

'Free' Draws The Crowds...

What's the fastest way to spread the word about something on
the Internet?

ANSWER: Make it Free and give people a powerful reason to
spread the word about it. That's all there is to it.

Make your 'free offer' attractive and people are going to
ask for it just to at least check it out.

You're reading this aren't you? There's your proof.

The Numbers Game...

The Numbers Game guarantees that if you get enough people to
look at something that offers Money, Love or Long Life, a
fair number of those people are going to follow it through
and take you up on it.

With my "System", the attraction is Money, and all you need
is FOUR PEOPLE to take you up on it. You're giving away a
free report, so four is easy.

Just FOUR... that's it.

One - Two - Three - Four - Finished!

When you put my form on your site giving away this free
report, it's guaranteed that a certain number of people ARE
going to request it.

Out of those requests, a certain number of people ARE going
to join you.

It's that simple.

That's all there is to it.

But don't be fooled by the sheer simplicity.

This Simple Numbers Game is much more powerful, and goes far
beyond your own personal effort however. You will multiply
your small effort into the efforts of thousands of people.

HOW? All by using a simple, fast system that leaves nothing
to chance and creates PROFITS on auto-pilot.

        ** It's Self-perpetuating
        ** Creates Exponential growth
        ** Starts a Chain-reaction
        ** Remains in Perpetual-Motion
        ** Receives Automatic feeders
        ** Above all - It's Free!




Your Special Bonus.

An excellent email course, consisting of 7 "IMPACT Lessons"
for FREE. You can get it from here:

Keep your eye on your inbox for more tips that you can use
to profit from your online activities.

Have a great week!

Peter van Emmenis
Midweek Affiliate Digest


PS. How would you like to be informed and stay 
updated on exciting programs to help you navigate
your way to the bank? Subscribe to my Digest.

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with a mission to help you find easy to use and 
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