Yes there are plans for a release for the new svg things.

This should happen very soon (the wheels are in motion).

On Fri, 08 Jun 2001 12:36:13 Colin Britton wrote:
> Cocoon2 has just gone Beta1 and includes rendering support for FOP and
> SVG. It uses FOP 0.18 and Batik 1.0 for SVG. 
> If you have these two versions in place then Cocoon 2 throws an exception
> when there is an SVG in the .fo file. Everything is fine however with the
> CVS version of FO. 
> Are there plans to make a distribution of FOP with the SVG support and
> all the other goodies that  have been put in recently. Maybe a 0.2
> release :)
> rgds
> Colin Britton

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