*** shadow/2243 Tue Jun 19 18:27:19 2001
--- shadow/2243.tmp.27789       Tue Jun 19 18:27:19 2001
*** 0 ****
--- 1,29 ----
+ +============================================================================+
+ | extra space at the beginning of next line after line feed                  |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |        Bug #: 2243                        Product: Fop                     |
+ |       Status: NEW                         Version: 0.15                    |
+ |   Resolution:                            Platform: PC                      |
+ |     Severity: Normal                   OS/Version: Windows NT/2K           |
+ |     Priority: Other                     Component: general                 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |  Assigned To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       |
+ |  Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  |
+ |      CC list: Cc:                                                          |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |          URL:                                                              |
+ +============================================================================+
+ |                              DESCRIPTION                                   |
+ I use white-space-collapse="false" to preserve line feed (
) in a 
+ <fo:block>. However, a extra white space is added at the beginning of next 
+ line. Looks like this:
+ This is the 1st line.
+  This is the 2nd line.
+  This is the 3rd line.
+ Here's a sample block of codes:
+ <fo:block white-space-collapse="false" text-align="start">
+    <xsl:value-of select="key('req-key', 'FieldA')"/>
+    <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+    <xsl:value-of select="key('req-key', 'FieldB')"/>
+ </fo:block>
\ No newline at end of file

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