As a workaround, you can probably fork out a new 1.2 JVM from 1.1 in order
to run stuff like FOP+Batik that requires the 1.2 API. Integration that way
isn't exactly clean, but it is a valid workaround that's been used many
times elsewhere :-)

Upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2 is probably a much much bigger headache than say
1.2->1.3. Best of luck.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Art Welch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:40 AM
> Subject: RE: build fails with jdk1.2 (jdk1.3 needed !?)
> Since it was mentioned... Here is a brief update on my JDK 
> 1.1 travails:
> A few weeks ago I made an official and very vocal proposal 
> that EastPoint
> move to JDK 1.3. I called a meeting with all the relevant people, and
> basically the consensus was that we should go to JDK 1.3. So 
> far so good.
> Unfortunately this needs to be timed with a release and the next two
> releases are scheduled for 10/2001 and 4/2002. For the 
> October release we
> will be going into code freeze in August. Unfortunately the 
> management and
> business analysis types are scared about making such a change 
> in such a
> short time frame. Anyhow, an analyst has been assigned to 
> this and now the
> project has expanded to an analysis and evaluation of all of 
> our software
> and tools. In principle this is a good idea, unfortunately although
> development could (and has) described what we have and what 
> we want, this is
> looking like it will become an unending series of meetings 
> replete with
> tables, charts, reports, and perpetual discussion. So I very 
> much doubt that
> EastPoint will be going to a new JDK anytime soon...
> However, I do not think that this should deter FOP from moving ahead.
> Already the recent Batik changes cause FOP to require JDK 
> 1.2+ for some
> functionality that I want (SVG). For now I am working with a 
> version of FOP
> from before the Batik changes and patching it as needed (very 
> painful!). At
> this point I think that JDK 1.2+ is available for most platforms. A
> reasonable time period has been allowed for anyone still 
> using an older JDK
> to upgrade. Anyone that has not upgraded to a more current 
> environment at
> this point is most likely not interested or committed to new 
> technology, and
> FOP - indeed all of Apache XML - is close to the bleeding 
> edge. Should a
> very few people/companies that are only marginally interested 
> in Java/XML
> hold FOP back - I think NOT! A year ago I argued for 
> maintaining support for
> JDK 1.1, to allow users (like EastPoint) time to migrate to a 
> more current
> environment. At the time I was sure that EastPoint would have 
> upgraded long
> before now. The people in charge of this had indicated that 
> was the plan.
> Even with the layoff, sale, etc this could have been done. I 
> have yet to see
> any signs of change from the new owners.
> Apologies to the list for venting a bit. Also for the length 
> - I seem to be
> incapable of writing a brief e-mail.
> So, if it comes to a vote...
> For changing the minimum JDK version required by FOP to 1.2 
> from 1.1 I vote:
> +1!
> Art
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Geisert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 4:47 AM
> Subject: build fails with jdk1.2 (jdk1.3 needed !?)
> ...
> The problem is that URL.getPath() is jdk1.3+ only.
> No problem for me but I think we still have jdk.1.1 as target.
> (Maybe we can think about jdk1.2 as target, even Art talks 
> about switching
> ;-)
> Christian
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