On Mon, 02 Jul 2001 20:13:14 "Rorvick, Chris" wrote:
> After a few days of using FOP and thumbing through the PDF spec, I've
> made
> the following observations.  It seems that PDFs should be able to be
> generated in constant memory, but FOP currently does not work this way. 
> Are
> both of these statements correct?  I determined the second observation by
> writing a very simple program that uses FileInputStreams for both input
> and
> output, and just watched the memory usage of the process while it
> generated
> a 90 page PDF.
> So my question is, does FOP currently support, or will it ever support,
> generation of reports in constant memory (relative to the size of the
> input?)

I'm not sure which you mean O(n) or constant mem usage.

I think you will find that it is currently roughly O(n) with memory usage
(somewhere around 3.5x mem usage for the document). This is only my
estimate it could well be wrong since I have never tested it.

If you want it to use constant memory for the fo objects and layout then it
becomes quite difficult to handle the layout but it may be possible. I'm
not sure if you can have constant memory for the pdf generation though.

Ideally it should try to approach O(log n) with memory usage if constant is
not possible.

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