       I am trying to run fop within my servlet.
In order to do that, I use:

        InputHandler inputHandler = new
        InputSource inputSource = inputHandler.getInputSource();
        XMLReader  parser = inputHandler.getParser();
* Creates the driver telling it to write the output file to screen (AWT).
        Driver driver = new Driver();
        driver.buildFOTree(parser, inputSource);

First and second lines run OK. Third line gives an exception:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Namespace not
supported by SAXParser exception.message: null 

There is in principle no problem with the xmlInputSource and xslInputSource,
because when I run fop from the command line:

Fop -xml xmlInputSource.xml -xsl xslInputSource.xsl -pdf output.pdf (or
option -awt), 

I get proper results.

COuld someone please tell me what am I doing wrong, or what am I missing? 
Also, are the lines related to the Driver correct?

Thanks a lot for your help,

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