
I have been rethinking the structure of the Tree class, and the issues 
surrounding fast-fail iterators and synchronization.  I have stayed with 
ArrayList as the representation of the children list, and am relying on 
the fast-fail built into the implementation of ArrayList for the new 
FollowingSibling and PrecedingSibling ListIterators.  All of the tree 
modifying operations are wrapped in a synchronization on the Tree object 
itself, which now contains no nodes itself, thus allowing for removal of 
all nodes, although I have yet to implement node removal, as opposed to 
child removal.

I mention the synchronization issues because of the recent discussion 
about multi-threading, the complaints about performance, and the fact 
that Karen is planning to implement a multi-thread layout engine.

The specifics you mention below I have not yet addressed, apart from 
introducing the sibling ListIterators.  I will proceed onto some of 
those topics now.

Attached are the new all-singing, all-dancing, and an extended 
version of (which is completely unintegrated into any test 


P.S.  I notice that sometimes your Reply-To gives your personal address, 
and at others the fop-dev address.

Arved Sandstrom wrote:

> Hi, Peter
> Your Tree class efforts have not gone unnoticed. I've been mulling them over, 
> anyway.
> My interest in what you are doing is not related to flattening, per se, 
> although this mechanism may simplify answering questions that we need to ask. 
> The kinds of questions that routinely come up are:
> 1. Is this area leading or trailing in context (page, even-page, odd-page, 
> column)?
> 2. Is this area first or last in a reference-area or page-sequence?
> 3. Get me the preceding or succeeding sibling. Get me all siblings and/or 
> ancestors that have this or that constraint (e.g. particular keep);
> 4. Tell me if there is a stacking constraint before or after this area? If 
> so, what is it?
> There are convoluted mechanisms for doing some of this. Answering questions 
> about trailing conditions (is this area trailing in context? is this the last 
> area in the page sequence?) are currently not so easy. I don't want to even 
> think about trying to answer question 4 for all the different situations - 
> anything your efforts can do to simplify that would be great. I know that you 
> have taken an interest in space-specifier resolution; the first step of 
> course is just to figure out what the sequence of space specifiers is, 
> assuming a stacking constraint exists, and right now that would be a serious 
> pain in the butt.
> I would recommend familiarizing with our current area hierarchy, assuming you 
> have not already done so. Basically Pages are flat within the area tree 
> (AreaTree); each page contains 5 AreaContainers (for the regions), and the 
> region-body itself is a container for 3 AreaContainers. One of those, the 
> main-reference-area, is a container for span-area AreaContainers, and 
> finally, span-areas contain ColumnAreas, which are also AreaContainers (and 
> represent normal-flow-areas). So you see that we are pretty closely following 
> the abstract model in the spec.
> ColumnAreas contain all the actual normal flow stuff.
> I cannot really say that there are any context stacks. Areas maintain a list 
> of their children, as a Vector. There is just no other context information 
> easily to be had, for example related to easily answering questions like the 
> above. If you look at the checkBreakBefore() method in PropertyManager, 
> you'll see the kinds of hoops we have to jump through right now to answer 
> basic would be nice to obviate the necessity for that.
> Any insight you can bring to bear on this would be appreciated. I'd 
> personally be happy to assist with integrating your tree stuff into FOP.
> Regards,
> Arved

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"
//package org.apache.fop.datatypes;

import java.util.*;

// The Tree class is analogous to one of the Collection classes.  It
// provides a bag with a certain structure into which objects may be collected
// for manipulation.  This is the level of at which those operations and
// fields are defined which allow for manipulation of the tree as a whole.

 * The <tt>Tree</tt> class is analogous to one of the <tt>Collection</tt>
 * classes.  It provides a bag with a certain structure into which objects
 * may be collected for manipulation.
 * The outer class, Tree, is the level at which are defined those fields
 * and methods which are provided for the manipulation of the tree as a
 * whole.  The tree is actually comprised of a collection of <tt>Node</tt>
 * elements.
 * The primary reasons for the existence of a separate <tt>Tree</tt>
 * class is to provide an object for tree-wide synchronization, and to
 * have a home for <tt>modCount</tt> for the provision of
 * <i>fast-fail</i> iterators.  For more details, see the
 * discussion of <tt>modCount</tt> in <tt>AbstractList</tt>.
 * $Id:,v 1.12 2001-07-19 01:42:38+10 pbw Exp pbw $
 * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Peter B. West</a>
 * @version

public class Tree {

     * The number of times the tree has been <i>structurally modified</i>.
     * See the discussion of the <tt>modCount</tt> field in
     * <tt>AbstractList</tt>.
    protected int modCount = 0;
    protected int nodeCount = 0;
    protected Node root;

    public Tree() {}

    public Tree(Node root) {
        this.root = root;

    public int modified() {
        // In the Tree class, this function updates the modCount
        // N.B. This method is always called from within a synchronized
        // method.
        synchronized (this) {
            return ++modCount;

    public int getModCount() {
        synchronized (this) {
            return modCount;

    public boolean modCountEqualTo(int value) {
        synchronized (this) {
            return value == modCount;

    public int size() {
        return nodeCount;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return nodeCount == 0;

    public class TreeException extends Exception {
        public TreeException(String message) {

     * Member class <tt>Node</tt> of class <tt>Tree</tt> provides the
     * structure for a general-purpose tree.
     * Node
     * +-------------------------+
     * |(Node) parent            |
     * +-------------------------+
     * |ArrayList                |
     * |+-----------------------+|
     * ||(Node) child 0         ||
     * |+-----------------------+|
     * |:                       :|
     * |+-----------------------+|
     * ||(Node) child n         ||
     * |+-----------------------+|
     * +-------------------------+
     * |(Object) payload ->      |
     * | contents of this node   |
     * +-------------------------+
     * <tt>ArrayList</tt> is used for the list of children because the
     * synchronization is performed "manually" within the individual methods,
     * and beause the <i>fail-fast</i> characteristics of the ArrayList
     * iterator and listIterators is desired.
     * See <tt>Tree</tt> for the tree-wide support methods and fields.

    public class Node {

        private Node parent;
        private ArrayList children;     // ArrayList of Node
        protected Object payload;

         * No argument constructor.
         * Assumes that this node is the root, and so will throw a
         * <tt>TreeException</tt> when the root node in the enclosing
         * <tt>Tree</tt> object is non-null.

        public Node()
            throws TreeException {
            if (Tree.this.root != null) {
                throw new TreeException(
                        "No arg constructor invalid when root exists");
            parent = null;
            Tree.this.root = this;
            children = new ArrayList();
            payload = null;

         * Constructor with one parameter.
         * @param parent Node which is the parent of this Node.  if this is
         *               null, the generated Node is assumed to be the root
         *               node.  If the Tree root node is already set, throws
         *               a <tt>TreeException</tt>.

        public Node(Node parent)
            throws TreeException {
            children = new ArrayList();
            payload = null;
            if (parent == null) {
                if (Tree.this.root != null) {
                    throw new TreeException("Null Node constructor "
                                            + "invalid when root exists");
                this.parent = null;
                Tree.this.root = this;
            else {
                // The parent must be a node in the current tree
                if (parent.getTree() != Tree.this) {
                    throw new TreeException("Parent not in same tree");
                this.parent = parent;
                // connect me to my parent

         * Two argument constructor.
         * @param parent  The parent <tt>Node</tt> of this Node.  If null,
         *                this must be the root node.
         * @param payload An object which is the actual payload of this node;
         *                the contents of the Node.

        public Node(Node parent, Object payload)
            throws TreeException {
            this.payload = payload;

        public Node getRoot() {
            return Tree.this.root;

         * Appends a child <tt>Node</tt> to this node.  Synchronized on the
         * containing <tt>Tree</tt> object.
         * Calls the <tt>modified</tt> method of the containing Tree to
         * maintain the value of <tt>modCount</tt>.
         * @param child  Node to be added.

        public void addChild(Node child) {
            synchronized (Tree.this) {
                children.add((Object) child);

         * Removes the child <tt>Node</tt> at the specified index in the
         * ArrayList.  Synchronized on the enclosing <tt>Tree</tt> object.
         * Calls the <tt>modified</tt> method of the containing Tree to
         * maintain the value of <tt>modCount</tt>.
         * @param index  The int index of the child to be removed.
         * @return the node removed.

        public Node removeChildAtIndex(int index) {
            synchronized (Tree.this) {
                Node tmpNode = (Node) children.remove(index);
                return tmpNode;

         * Removes the specified child <tt>Node</tt> from the children
         * ArrayList.  Synchronized on the enclosing <tt>Tree</tt> object.
         * Implemented by calling <tt>removeChildAtIndex()</tt>.  Relies
         * on that method to call the <tt>modified</tt> method of the
         * containing Tree to maintain the value of <tt>modCount</tt>.
         * @param child  The child node to be removed.
         * @return the node removed.

        public Node removeChild(Node child)
            throws NoSuchElementException {
            synchronized (Tree.this) {
                int index = children.indexOf((Object) child);
                if (index == -1) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                Node tmpNode = removeChildAtIndex(index);
                // Note - no call to Tree.this.modified() here -
                // done in removeChildAtindex()
                return tmpNode;

        public Tree getTree() {
            return Tree.this;

        public Node getChild(int index) {
            return (Node) children.get(index);

        public Object getPayload() {
            return payload;

        public void setPayload(Object payload) {
            this.payload = payload;

         * Class <tt>PreOrder</tt> is a member class of <tt>Node</tt>.
         * It implements the <tt>Iterator</tt> interface, excluding the
         * optional <tt>remove</tt> method.  The iterator traverses its
         * containing <tt>Tree</tt> from its containing Node in
         * preorder order.
         * The method is implemented recursively; a PreOrder object is
         * instantiated at every level of the tree to handle the children at
         * that level.
         * The iterator is <i>fast-fail</i>.  if any modification occur to
         * the tree as a whole during the lifetime of the iterator, a
         * subsequent call to next() will throw a
         * ConcurrentModificationException.  See the discussion of
         * fast-fail iterators in <tt>AbstractList</tt>.
         * The <tt>modCount</tt> field used to maintain information about
         * structural modifcations is maintained for all nodes in the
         * containing Tree instance.

        class PreOrder implements Iterator {
            private boolean selfNotReturned = true;
            private int nextChildIndex = 0;     // N.B. this must be kept as
            // the index of the active child until that child is exhausted.
            // At the start of proceedings, it may already point past the
            // end of the (empty) child vector

            private int age;
            private PreOrder nextChildIterator;

             * Constructor
             * @param age  the current value of the modCount field in the
             * <tt>Tree</tt> instance which includes this class instance.
            public PreOrder(int age) {
                this.age = age;
                hasNext();  // A call to set up the initial iterators
                // so that a call to next() without a preceding call to
                // hasNext() will behave sanely

            public boolean hasNext() {
                // synchronize this against possible changes to the tree
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    if (selfNotReturned) {
                        return true;
                    // self has been returned - are there any children?
                    // if so, we must always have an iterator available
                    // even unless it is exhausted.  Assume it is set up this 
                    // way by next().  The iterator has a chance to do this 
                    // because self will always be returned first.
                    // The test of nextChildIndex must always be made because
                    // there may be no children, or the last child may be
                    // exhausted, hence no possibility of an
                    // iterator on the children of any child.
                    if (nextChildIndex < children.size()) {
                        return nextChildIterator.hasNext(); 
                    else { // no kiddies
                        return false;

            public Object next()
                throws NoSuchElementException,
                       ConcurrentModificationException {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    // synchronize the whole against changes to the tree

                    // Check for ConcurrentModification
                    if (! Tree.this.modCountEqualTo(age)) {
                        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                    if (! hasNext()) {
                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
                    if (selfNotReturned) {
                        selfNotReturned = false;
                        if (nextChildIndex < children.size()) {
                            // We have children - create an iterator
                            // for the first one
                            nextChildIterator =
                        // else do nothing;
                        // the nextChildIndex test in hasNext()
                        // will prevent us from getting into trouble
                        return Node.this;
                    else { // self has been returned
                        // there must be a next available, or we would not have
                        // come this far
                        if (! nextChildIterator.hasNext()) {
                            // last iterator was exhausted;
                            // if there was another child available, an
                            //iterator would already have been set up.
                            // Every iterator will return at least one node -
                            // the node on which it is defined.
                            // So why did the initial hasNext succeed?
                            throw new NoSuchElementException(
                                    "Cannot reach this");
                        Object tempNode =;
                        // Check for exhaustion of the child
                        if (! nextChildIterator.hasNext()) {
                            // child iterator empty - another child?
                            if (++nextChildIndex < children.size()) {
                                nextChildIterator =
                            else {
                                // nullify the iterator
                                nextChildIterator = null;
                        return (Node) tempNode;

            public void remove()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

         * Class <tt>PostOrder</tt> is a member class of <tt>Node</tt>.
         * It implements the <tt>Iterator</tt> interface, excluding the
         * optional <tt>remove</tt> method.  The iterator traverses its
         * containing <tt>Tree</tt> from its containing Node in
         * postorder order.
         * The method is implemented recursively; a PostOrder object is
         * instantiated at every level of the tree to handle the children at
         * that level.
         * The iterator is <i>fast-fail</i>.  if any modification occur to
         * the tree as a whole during the lifetime of the iterator, a
         * subsequent call to next() will throw a
         * ConcurrentModificationException.  See the discussion of
         * fast-fail iterators in <tt>AbstractList</tt>.
         * The <tt>modCount</tt> field used to maintain information about
         * structural modifcations is maintained for all nodes in the
         * containing Tree instance.

        class PostOrder implements Iterator {
            private boolean selfReturned = false;
            private int nextChildIndex = 0;     // N.B. this must be kept as
            // the index of the active child until that child is exhausted.
            // At the start of proceedings, it may already point past the
            // end of the (empty) child vector

            private int age;
            private PostOrder nextChildIterator;

             * Constructor
             * @param age  the current value of the modCount field in the
             * <tt>Tree</tt> instance which includes this class instance.
            public PostOrder(int age) {
                this.age = age;
                hasNext();  // A call to set up the initial iterators
                // so that a call to next() without a preceding call to
                // hasNext() will behave sanely

            public boolean hasNext() {
                // Synchronize this against changes in the tree
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    // self is always the last to go
                    if (selfReturned) { // nothing left
                        return false;
                    // Check first for children, and set up an iterator if so
                    if (nextChildIndex < children.size()) {
                        if (nextChildIterator == null) {
                            nextChildIterator =
                        // else an iterator exists.
                        // Assume that the next() method
                        // will keep the iterator current
                    } // end of Any children?
                    return true;

            public Object next()
                throws NoSuchElementException,
                       ConcurrentModificationException {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    // synchronize the whole against changes to the tree

                    // Check for ConcurrentModification
                    if (! Tree.this.modCountEqualTo(age)) {
                        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                    if (! hasNext()) {
                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
                    // Are there any children?
                    if (nextChildIndex < children.size()) {
                        // There will be an active iterator.  Is it empty?
                        if (nextChildIterator.hasNext()) {
                            // children remain
                            Object tempNode =;
                            // now check for exhaustion of the iterator
                            if (! nextChildIterator.hasNext()) {
                                if (++nextChildIndex < children.size()) {
                                    nextChildIterator =
                                // else leave the iterator bumping on empty
                                // next call will return self
                            // else iterator not exhausted
                            // return the Node
                            return (Node) tempNode;
                        // else children exhausted - fall through
                    // No children - return self object
                    selfReturned = true;
                    nextChildIterator = null;
                    return Node.this;

            public void remove()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

         * Class <tt>FollowingSibling</tt> is a member class of <tt>Node</tt>.
         * It implements the <tt>ListIterator</tt> interface, but has reports
         * UnsupportedOperationException for all methods except
         * <tt>hasNext()</tt>, <tt>next()</tt> and <tt>nextIndex()</tt>.
         * These methods are implemented as synchronized wrappers around the
         * underlying ArrayList methods.
         * The listIterator traverses those children in the parent node's
         * <tt>children</tt> <tt>ArrayList</tt> which follow the subject
         * node's entry in that array, using the <tt>next()</tt> method.
         * The iterator is <i>fail-fast</i>.  if any modification occur to
         * the tree as a whole during the lifetime of the iterator, a
         * subsequent call to next() will throw a
         * ConcurrentModificationException.  See the discussion of
         * fast-fail iterators in <tt>AbstractList</tt>.
         * The fail-fast ListIterator in ArrayList is the underlying
         * mechanism for both the listIterator and the fail-fast
         * behaviour.

        class FollowingSibling implements ListIterator {

            private ListIterator listIterator;
            private ArrayList rootDummy = new ArrayList();
            // An empty ArrayList for the root listIterator
            // hasNext() will always return false

            public FollowingSibling() {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    // Set up iterator on the parent's arrayList of children
                    Tree.Node refNode = Node.this.parent;
                    if (refNode != null) {
                        // Not the root node; siblings may exist
                        // Set up iterator on the parent's children ArrayList
                        ArrayList siblings = refNode.children;
                        int index = siblings.indexOf((Object) Node.this);
                        // if this is invalid, we are in serious trouble
                        listIterator = siblings.listIterator(index + 1);
                    } // end of if (Node.this.parent != null)
                    else {
                        // Root node - no siblings
                        listIterator = rootDummy.listIterator();

            public boolean hasNext() {
                // Any CoMod exception will be thrown by the listIterator
                // provided with ArrayList.  It does not throw such exceptions
                // on calls to hasNext();
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    return listIterator.hasNext();

            public Object next()
                throws NoSuchElementException,
                       ConcurrentModificationException {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    // N.B. synchronization here is still on the Tree
                    // rather than on the Node containing the children
                    // ArryList of interest.  Other ArrayList operations
                    // throughout the Tree are synchronized on the Tree object
                    // itself, so exceptions cannot be made for these more
                    // directly Nodal operations.

            public int nextIndex() {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    return listIterator.nextIndex();

            public void add(Object o)
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public void remove()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public boolean hasPrevious()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public Object previous()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public int previousIndex()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public void set(Object o)
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

         * Class <tt>PrecedingSibling</tt> is a member class of <tt>Node</tt>.
         * It implements the <tt>ListIterator</tt> interface, but has reports
         * UnsupportedOperationException for all methods except
         * <tt>hasPrevious()</tt>, <tt>previous()</tt> and
         * <tt>previousIndex()</tt>.
         * These methods are implemented as synchronized wrappers around the
         * underlying ArrayList methods.
         * The listIterator traverses those children in the parent node's
         * <tt>children</tt> <tt>ArrayList</tt> which precede the subject
         * node's entry in that array, using the <tt>previous()</tt> method.
         * I.e., siblings are produced in reverse sibling order.
         * The iterator is <i>fail-fast</i>.  if any modification occur to
         * the tree as a whole during the lifetime of the iterator, a
         * subsequent call to previous() will throw a
         * ConcurrentModificationException.  See the discussion of
         * fast-fail iterators in <tt>AbstractList</tt>.
         * The fail-fast ListIterator in ArrayList is the underlying
         * mechanism for both the listIterator and the fail-fast
         * behaviour.

        class PrecedingSibling implements ListIterator {

            private ListIterator listIterator;
            private ArrayList rootDummy = new ArrayList();
            // An empty ArrayList for the root listIterator
            // hasNext() will always return false

            public PrecedingSibling() {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    // Set up iterator on the parent's arrayList of children
                    Tree.Node refNode = Node.this.parent;
                    if (refNode != null) {
                        // Not the root node; siblings may exist
                        // Set up iterator on the parent's children ArrayList
                        ArrayList siblings = refNode.children;
                        int index = siblings.indexOf((Object) Node.this);
                        // if this is invalid, we are in serious trouble
                        listIterator = siblings.listIterator(index);
                    } // end of if (Node.this.parent != null)
                    else {
                        // Root node - no siblings
                        listIterator = rootDummy.listIterator();

            public boolean hasPrevious() {
                // Any CoMod exception will be thrown by the listIterator
                // provided with ArrayList.  It does not throw such exceptions
                // on calls to hasNext();
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    return listIterator.hasPrevious();

            public Object previous()
                throws NoSuchElementException,
                       ConcurrentModificationException {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    // N.B. synchronization here is still on the Tree
                    // rather than on the Node containing the children
                    // ArryList of interest.  Other ArrayList operations
                    // throughout the Tree are synchronized on the Tree object
                    // itself, so exceptions cannot be made for these more
                    // directly Nodal operations.
                    return listIterator.previous();

            public int previousIndex() {
                synchronized (Tree.this) {
                    return listIterator.previousIndex();

            public void add(Object o)
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public void remove()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public boolean hasNext()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public Object next()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public int nextIndex()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public void set(Object o)
                throws UnsupportedOperationException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


//package org.apache.fop.datatypes;

import java.util.*;

 * $Id:,v 1.5 2001-07-18 23:50:58+10 pbw Exp pbw $
 * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Peter B. West</a>
 * @version

public class TreeTest{
    public TreeTest (){}
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Tree.TreeException {
        Tree tree = new Tree();
        Tree.Node root = Node(null, "Root");
        Tree.Node child1 = Node(root, "1-1");
        Tree.Node child2 = Node(root, "1-2");
        Tree.Node child3 = Node(root, "1-3");
        Tree.Node child2_1 = Node(root.getChild(1), "1-2-1");
        Tree.Node child2_2 = Node(root.getChild(1), "1-2-2");
        Tree.Node child3_1 = Node(root.getChild(2), "1-3-1");
        Tree.Node child3_2 = Node(root.getChild(2), "1-3-2");
        Tree.Node child3_3 = Node(root.getChild(2), "1-3-3");
        Tree.Node child1_1 = Node(root.getChild(0), "1-1-1");
        System.out.println("Pre-order traversal:root:");
        preorder(root, tree.getModCount());
        System.out.println("Post-order traversal:root:");
        postorder(root, tree.getModCount());
        System.out.println("Preceding siblings 3-2");
        System.out.println("Following siblings 3-2");
        System.out.println("Preceding siblings 2-2");
        System.out.println("Following siblings 2-2");
        System.out.println("Preceding siblings 1");
        System.out.println("Following siblings 1");
        System.out.println("Preceding siblings root");
        System.out.println("Following siblings root");
        System.out.println("Pre-order traversal:2:");
        preorder(child2, tree.getModCount());
        System.out.println("Post-order traversal:3:");
        postorder(child3, tree.getModCount());
        System.out.println("Removing child2");
        System.out.println("Pre-order traversal:root:");
        preorder(root, tree.getModCount());
        System.out.println("Post-order traversal:root:");
        postorder(root, tree.getModCount());
        // Test for fast-fail
        System.out.println("Setting up PreOrder iterator");
        Tree.Node.PreOrder iterator = PreOrder(tree.getModCount());
        System.out.println("Adding child4");
        Tree.Node child4 = Node(root, "1-4");
        try {
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Tree.Node next = (Tree.Node);
        } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
            System.out.println("Comod exception caught");
        } // end of try-catch
        System.out.println("Setting up FollowingSibling listIterator on 3-2");
        Tree.Node.FollowingSibling listiterator =
        System.out.println("Perturbing child3-2 parent; adding 3-4");
        Tree.Node child3_4 = Node(child3, "1-3-3");
        try {
            while (listiterator.hasNext()) {
                Tree.Node next = (Tree.Node);
            } // end of while (iterator.hasNext())
        } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
            System.out.println("Comod exception caught");

    private static void preorder(Tree.Node node, int age) {
        Tree.Node.PreOrder iterator = PreOrder(age);
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Tree.Node next = (Tree.Node);

    private static void postorder(Tree.Node node, int age) {
        Tree.Node.PostOrder iterator = PostOrder(age);
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Tree.Node next = (Tree.Node);

    private static void followingsibling(Tree.Node node) {
        Tree.Node.FollowingSibling iterator =
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Tree.Node next = (Tree.Node);

    private static void precedingsibling(Tree.Node node) {
        Tree.Node.PrecedingSibling iterator =
        while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {
            Tree.Node previous = (Tree.Node) iterator.previous();

} // TreeTest

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