At 10:38 AM 7/27/01 -0400, Chetan Vig wrote:
>Yes, I have noticed that too. Also, is there a way we could optimize our
>so that 300 pages file or so is not like 15MB big.
>I am continuously generating PDF's of 300-400 pages and the file size
>fluctuates between 10MB-20MB with and without any external images.

OK, you're right, there is a problem here. I note that the PDF 1.3 spec, 
with 518 pages, is 5 MB; the EJB 2.0 PD 2 spec with 554 pages is 2.8 MB, the 
SWI Prolog 3.4 reference manual, with 222 pages, is ~1 MB, and the Java 
language spec, with 852 pages, is ~3.5 MB. Our very own XSL spec is 5.3 MB 
at 406 pages (the RenderX version).

The documents cited come in at 9880, 5180, 4610, 4210 and 13370 bytes per 
page. Illustrations, whitespace and font size make quite a difference, 
obviously, to +/-100% at least. You are saying that you see page averages of 
about 50K, or on the order of 5 times these examples.

Can you do some basic stats, maybe with a text editor and/or simple scripts? 
Where is all that size being taken up? Is the trailer huge? Are the 
individual pages themselves taking up most of that? If so, why? What is the 
difference between your typical page, from FOP, and a page in one of these 
other documents?

I don't produce monster files, and certainly for my test docs I manage to 
keep per page sizes comfortably below 5K, so it would be interesting to see 
if there is some kind of overhead that we can whittle down, that I just do
not see.

Arved Sandstrom

Fairly Senior Software Type
e-plicity (
Wireless * B2B * J2EE * XML --- Halifax, Nova Scotia

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