Would it be possible/suitable to define the output type using a mime type.
ie. application/pdf
rather than having our own definition.

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 14:24:41 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Hi there
> I've done some tinkering with the FOP Ant Task, that I'd like to submit.
> Currently the FOP task can only generate PDF. I changed it so it can
> use the other renderers as well.
> Old syntax:
> <fop fofile="myfile.fo" pdffile="myfile.pdf"/>
> New syntax:
> <fop fofile="myfile.fo" outfile="myfile.pdf"/>
> or
> <fop fofile="myfile.fo" renderer="ps" outfile="myfile.ps"/>
> The "renderer" attribute is optional and defaults to "pdf". Possible
> values currently are: "ps", "mif", "pcl", "txt" and "at" (AreaTree XML).
> Attached you find the diff for the Ant Task along with the various
> updated build.xml files.
> By the way: It seems that the xml-docs cannot currently be built. I get
> an infinite number of ">" after page 20. I didn't investigate any
> further.
> Cheers,
> Jeremias Märki
> Postfach 3954 - Rhynauerstr. 15 - CH-6002 Luzern
> Fon +41 (41) 317 2020 - Fax +41 (41) 317 2029
> Internet http://www.outline.ch

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