Hi all,

I'd like to get back to the recent discussion about different XML

To evaluate which formatter would best fit my needs, I gathered the most
important properties and set up tests for them.
Maybe it's intereresting for others as well.

The tests were ran through
* FOP with the PDF renderer,
* FOP with the awt renderer and
* Antenna House.

I used FOP 0.20.1, CVS version of (that horrible and sad day!) 11th
September (xml-fop_20010911041555.tar.gz).

The attached table shows my results. An 'X 'indicates that the property
works, a '?' stands for 'not tested' and an empty cell means 'property is
not supported or not functioning properly'.

As I see it, FOP works at least as well as Antenna House; in addition FOP
has the (IMHO) essential ability to change page formats among pages.

- Corinna

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