Sounds to me like an XSLT challenge, rather than a FOP one.

Hummm... interesting thing to work on when I've got some time to spend..



$ -----Original Message-----
$ From: Ramin Firoozye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
$ Sent: zondag 11 november 2001 23:12
$ Subject: Q: Generating indexes
$ Greetings all,
$ I've searched the fop-dev archive, combed through the draft spec, and
$ trawled around Google, but haven't found an easy way to solve 
$ the 'Index
$ Generation' problem.
$ I'm trying to generate a traditional end-of-book index using 
$ FOP (version
$ 0.20.2).
$ The idea is that in the XML document source the author can 
$ specify something
$ like:
$ <doc>
$ ...
$ The moose<index entry="Animal" /> frolics with the <index 
$ entry="Animal"
$ />squirrel in the field.
$ ...
$ The <index entry="Animal" />geese smiled at the Kayaker.
$ ...
$ </doc>
$ >From this, you want to end up with something like:
$ A
$ ----------
$ Animal 12, 18, 20
$   25, 39
$ Ant 1, 15
$ ...
$ Anyway, I've got most of it worked out in my head (and it hurts (:-)
$ especially the bit about multiple page-number-citations 
$ referencing a single
$ index entry). It all is so godawful gnarly and I thought I'd 
$ ask to see if
$ anybody has figured out an easier way to do this in XSL:FO.
$ Any tips or references would be appreciated.
$ Thanks,
$ Ramin
$ ---
$ Ramin Firoozye - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Wizen Software, San Francisco, CA.
$ ---
$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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