
I have read the mailing list and FAQ with the issue I'm having with IE and
found many helpful posts.  I can create PDFs using JSPs to generate XML with
stylesheet.  Cocoon is configured as a filter (1.8.2) with FOP .20.1.

In my code, I determine if a browser is IE 5 or IE 5.5 and set the

response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;

to either "report.pdf" IE 5 or just "report" for IE 5.5 in the JSP that
creates the XML.  This is works most of the time across IE 5 and IE 5.5.
However, some testers are reporting errors.  I know in some cases it is the
code being called twice issue.  I have seen this issue posted.

I'm using a MVC pattern: JSP --> Controller Servlet --> various objects that
eventually create a JavaBean --> back to a different JSP that produces
content type of XML.

The content of the PDF is determined by what the user submits in a form.

Before I start the debug of why it is working on some machines with IE 5/
5.5 and not on others, does anyone have thoughts on why it is happening?  If
I change my code to an aliased servlet ending in .pdf will that help?  Does
it depend on Acrobat versions?  Argh.


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