We're using the standard lpr/lpd on the neoware boxes.  In our testing,
lpr/lpd is pointing to a instance of Mocha lpd on an NT box.
<brainstorm>Any of our stores that have a PC use Mocha as the print server
for the neoware boxes.  In which case they could print from the PC, so
we're realy only concerned with neoware boxes with direct connections to
Lexmark printers.</brainstorm>  We can print pdf's with default fonts.  I'm
thinking it's a problem with the postscript and Linux not having access to
the embedded font.


                    Ulrich Mayring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                     
                    Sent by:                                                   To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            
                    fop-dev-return-11553-jthaemlitz=oreillyauto.com@XML.       cc:     
Subject:     Re: printing embedded fonts from Linux       
                    11/15/01 10:50 AM                                                  
                    Please respond to fop-dev                                          

> this is a little off topic, if I could get pointed to some documetation
> that would be great.  Othewise if you have a solution or some knowledge
> pass on I'd appreciate it.
> We have 800+ neoware boxes that we're sending FOP generated PDF's too.
> PDF's display the embedded font (Aachen) correctly.  However when we go
> print nothing happens.  The printer fires up, says "flushing buffer" then
> just stops.  We can print the same PDF to the printer from NT.  The
> embedded font is a PFM.  What do we need to do to get these to print?

What printing software do you use? Have you looked at CUPS?


Ulrich Mayring
DENIC eG, Systementwicklung

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