Vladimir Sneblic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem when I try to generate a PDF file from a FOP file that
> contains an SVG image. It doesn't matter if the image is inline or if it's
> stored as a separate file. My problem is that the PDF file gets generated
> but for some reason the java thread "hangs", i.e. even though the work is
> finished it doesn't stop executing. Has anyone else encountered this
> problem?

This is a well known problem with the Java runtime, which should
be fixed in JDK 1.4 (along with a few other major annoynaces).
What probably happens is that Batik uses AWT functionality for
SVG rendering, which often (but not always) causes the graphics
subsystem to create an additional thread, which will still run
after the main thread expires. This may also depend on the platform
and the underlying graphics system.
A temporary fix is to add System.exit(0) to the main functions
of applications which use FOP (or Batik). JDK 1.4 was still beta
last time i checked, you may want to try it anyway.


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