Darrel Riekhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are having problems with our reports because FOP doesn't break on
> hyphens.

Well, i tried 

<fo:block hyphenate="true" language="de">goiue sk kalks aki aks kallk kajas
kals siensalks yadadadadadada-

(without the line breaks imposed by the mail client) and FOP inserted
a line feed after the first dash, without inserting an additional
hyphen. It had apparently problems with finding another hyphenation
point after this, this may be due to the nonsense-word which probably
does not match any of the patterns in the database.

If you have set the hyphenate property and other relevant attributes
properly and you still have difficulties, try inserting a zero-width
space or add some hyphenation patterns including a dash to the database
for your language.


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