> Do you know about the settings in Acrobat/Acro. Viewer?? You can tell
> them to fit the size of the pdf-pages to the printer-pages. Then they
> scale the page and the sizes don't fit any more.

Yep, this one worked, now all properties are diplayed properly, thx

> Have a look if you want to print Letter on A4 or the other way round
> and have a look at the settings in the printer-dialog in Acrobat.
> Hi,
> > What do you mean by "all layout information like page margin or cell-
> > width in tables are not displayed/printed correctly" ??
> > 
> > Do you mean they are smaler than on screen or something?
> they are smaller, bigger, but not the intended size.
> For example, I got page margins 2.75cm wide while they're
> defined 2.5, or table-cells 1.4in wide instead of 1.6in,
> but only if i set the Output to PDF and Print it, if it's printed
> directly, i get the exact widths !?

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