On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 22:20, Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
> Hello all,
> The following is stated on the FOP website:
> "These extension are available by default. They are automatically loaded and
> you only need to provide the correct namespace for your embedded xml
> markup."
> OK, so <fop:outline> and <fop:label> are loaded by default without needing
> to do the other stuff described in "Adding Your Own".  What is the mechanism
> that allows this?  In other words, if I have an extension element(s) of my
> own, what do I have to do in order for them work the same as outline and
> label and not have to load my own jars.

The mechanism is that there is code that sets it all up.
What exactly do you want to do, there are different types of extensions.

What do you mean "load my own jars".

> I am assuming, of course, that the documentation listed is still accurate.
> If it is not, can anyone provide the most recent information for include
> extension elements?

If we are talking a maintanence release then that information is
The code in cvs is generally easier to do extension but its not complete

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