Thank you for your quick reply.

On Fri, 02 Aug 2002 21:15:25 +0200
"J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tetsu Ito wrote:
> > In English sentence, wrap-option attribute works fine,
> > but not in Japanese sentence. In japanese, fop renders to pdf
> > with no-wrap even if wrap-option is set to "wrap".
> If the language is set to japanese (and a few others),
> wrap-option is essentially ignored, because it is assumed
> the line breaks can be inserted everywhere. This particular
> part of the code iss a mess, I don't recommend looking at
> it. Hopefully, it will become better in the near future.
> J.Pietschann
Is this means following situation?
In Japanese, texts are always no wrap and
if wrap is needed, do it by your self.

RST2 Chief Developer
Tetsu Ito
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