
> Any news on OpenType support? ... it's a low priority thing.

I haven't done much with it yet. I thought it important for me to learn my
way around FOP before trying to start any coding. After starting that, I
decided that the javadocs could really use some work, especially at the high
level, so I have been focusing my efforts on that. It seemed to me that
anything that would help get new developers up to speed quickly would be a
good investment for the project, and since I had to learn the material along
the way anyway, why not take the time to document it? Along the way, the
issue of the two (or three) branches came up, and I am convinced that
pulling our limited resources back into one effort is an even higher
priority. So, while I really, really, REALLY want to work on some of these
enhancements and bug fixes, I regretfully agree that it is a low priority

> Need any help?

Yes, although this won't answer the question that you really asked. 1) I am
truly confused whether it is better for the project for us less-experienced
FOPpers to work on these smaller projects in the maintenance branch, or
whether we should try to help with the bigger design issues that seem to
live in HEAD. In other words, I can be talked out of the conclusion
documented above. 2) I have been spinning my wheels a bit trying to get used
to the pace of the project. Since I don't have commit access, I am forced to
do one of the following: a) wait until patches are committed before starting
the next batch of work, or b) maintain more than one sandbox (one with
uncommitted patches only, one with uncommitted patches + new work, so that I
can diff the two for any new patch). If you have ideas about how to handle
this better, I'm very interested.

In short, I am wrestling with project management issues more than technical
ones at the moment. I'm sorry I don't have more progress to report.


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