> Yes, we've been talking about structure-based renderers (like RTF and MIF)

> vs. layout-based ones (PDF being the focal point) for some time. 
[ ... ]
> 4) My suggestion is to first use the RTF library from jfor in binary form,
> including jfor's jar in the FOP distribution, to create the RTF document
> the StructureHandler events. The current jfor code does a similar thing
> the jfor Converter (jfor/jfor/converter/Converter) uses SAX events to
> the jfor RTF library.

This makes sense, and I will start looking at it.

But, as I said up front, nobody should count on my being able to accomplish
and anyone who wants to do it will not offend me by going ahead and doing it
without me.

  -- Scott

.sig wanders off, mumbling something about learning CVS.

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