

You need the jimi-xxx.jar file.


Copy it to the lib directory and build FOP again.



Morten Isaksen

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.aub.dk/~misak


-----Original Message-----
From: Olivier IMBERT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 8. november 2002 12:35
Subject: Pb building FOP on with JimiImage


Hello everybody,

I am newbie on building FOP and I got some problem to build FOP 0.20.4
I get the sources from apache.org and try to compile them using JDK1.3 on a Linux box.

When I try to generate a PDF file I got some errors like :
[ERROR] Error while creating area : Error creating FopImage object (Error creating FopImage object (file:/home/oim/img/toto.png) : org.apache.fop.image.JimiImage

When I use the FOP 0.20.4 binary version, everything works fine ...

An idea ?


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