Hí again....
I'm going crazy with this kind of problems...
I'm rendering a pdf file of 22 pages.
at the first of the file, I have the following basic links:
<fo:block hyphenate='false' text-align='justify' text-align-last='start' line-height='12pt' font-size='9pt' space-before.optimum='1.5pt' space-after.optimum='1.5pt' keep-together='always' color='gray'>
<fo:inline white-space-collapse='false'>tarariiislkjalskjdflksjdflkasjdlfkasjdlfkasjldfkjasldfjl <fo:basic-link color='#0000ff' text-decoration='underline' internal-destination='subprin3B'>3B</fo:basic-link> ,<fo:basic-link color='#0000ff' text-decoration='underline' internal-destination='subprin3D'>3D</fo:basic-link> ,<fo:basic-link color='#0000ff' text-decoration='underline' internal-destination='subprin6D'>6D</fo:basic-link> ,<fo:basic-link color='#0000ff' text-decoration='underline' internal-destination='subprin6H'>6H</fo:basic-link>.
after of this, the rest o the fo file, with some blocks
<fo:block id='subprin3A' t...
.... page n....
<fo:block id='subprin3B' t...
.... page k ...
<fo:block id='subprin3D' t...
Well, the problem is with the basic link named: subprin3D.
When fop render the fo file, the only message i get is:
[INFO] [11]
[INFO] [12]
[INFO] [13]

and the render crashes...
If I make different the name of the basic-link or the name of the block id, the pdf is well rendered.
I have anothers .fo files with many more links that are well rendered, but this file no.
Why ?
Thanks at all, Sergio.

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