Oleg Tkachenko wrote:
sri vela wrote:

I would like to know what are the properties that
people are working on.
I don't think the list exist. Almost all unimplemented properties require some kind of redesign of the code base, and that's exactly what we are working on.

The reason why i am asking is
because i am also planning to implement some
Everybody's invited, it's open source. Which properties are you talking about?


There is a near complete complement of properties in Alt-Design. Only some of the shorthands remain. The application of properties to layout is another story. Two approaches have been mooted. 1) Smart properties, in which the properties are contain the logic for applying them. 2) Dumb properties, in which the properties are, after parsing, simply a name/value pair, and it is up to the FOs, or whatever lays out the FOs, to apply those values. Alt-Design takes the second view.

Peter B. West [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.powerup.com.au/~pbwest/
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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