I don't think you can disable save button using iText. You can only disable
copy, print  buttons. Sometime back I was looking for this and found
Bruno(iText) saying that this button is not controlled by PDF stream.
But as JP suggested, if you are interested in disabling print button afte
FOP generates PDF you can look at his reference.
----- Original Message -----
From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: Disable save button in acrobat reader

> Gorka Echevarrķa wrote:
>  > Anybody knows how can I disable the save button on Acrobat Reader?
> You have to disable it by setting some PDF flags. This is
> related to PDF security. It can't be done directly from
> FOP, you'll have to postprocess the generated PDF with
> another tool. Often, iText
>   http://www.lowagie.com/iText/
> is recommended. There are some tools provided on the
> site for achieving exactly what you want.
> If you want to integrate the postpprocessing with FOP,
> see
>   http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fop-dev&m=102002975028427&w=2
> for sample code.
> J.Pietschmann
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