Peter S. Housel wrote:
"Arved Sandstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Well, Java or C or C++ or Haskell, it would have been nice to have a clue.

We have an ASF tradition of developing communities...this kind of stuff

Sun and IBM does is getting old. Don't open-source it; sell it. I will

against its adoption into Apache.

Googling for xmlroff yields:

Looks like they want to donate it to Gnome, not Apache.

Despite your not wanting to sound bitter, your protest still sounds bitter
Peter, Arved,

In spite of Arved's protestations, I think he has reason to be bitter. I don't want to criticise a particular company, and especially not any particular individuals, but I think this incident underlines some endemic problems in the relationship between the corporate software world and the Open Source world. I am well aware of the enormous contributions to OSS of various corporations (Sun, IBM and Netscape spring immediately to mind.)

I think, however, that these problems extend right into the standards development process itself. I should like to ponder these issues a little longer, and then perhaps take them up in a wider forum.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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