
I have been hacking away at the documentation, and in particular at the implemetation description. As part of that, I have tried to develop a framework with an integrated code view. At this stage it is fairly rudimentary and messy, and does not integrate at all well with Forrest. By means of some nasty kludges, I have managed to get a recent build of Forrest to construct the site without complaint. I am using XEmacs to generate html versions of some java files with coloured syntax, which are the sources for my code display. To integrate them into the referring pages I am using frames and javascript.

I have just seen Chaperon, and the coloured Java sources that Stephan Michels is generating in his Cocoon javadocs. Stop Press. Nicola Ken has just introduced me to JavaSRc, as used in which looks the goods. When I sort out how to use it, it can be integrated into the forrest build, and I won't need to coloured code separately.

This is my first attempt at javascript, and I had naively hoped that the browser differences had been eliminated. I will separately post the current javascript and seek advice on how to browser-proof it.

The more immediate problem is that I can't get the website to update correctly. I have done an update, the necessary adds and the commit on the site; cvs status tells me that the files are all up-to-date, yet when I do an update on the site itself, I get a Not Found when I try to access the fop/design/ Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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