The latest updated web site has a link for compliance.pdf, and has the
"Implemented" & "Limitations" pages removed.

The "compliance" document still has a few problems: 1) the log file
indicates that compliance.html is generating an NPE from Xalan. I will try
to track this down, but haven't found any obvious answers yet -- also, it
doesn't seem to be adversely affecting anything. 2) compliance.pdf is
mangled & unusable, probably because forrestbot uses an old version of FOP.
Even when using a current version, it still doesn't look good, but it is
openable -- probably a combination of FOP limitations & the stylesheet.

I changed the dev/index.html page to explain the 3 lines of development. I
am not sure I explained the Alt Design properly, so Peter, please correct it
if necessary.

More doc changes to come.

Victor Mote (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Voice +1 (719) 622-0650
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