Hey J.U.

Sounds very interesting. I'd love to see your implementation of the Java Printing System...

Please email it to me at this address.

Many thanks!


On Saturday, April 5, 2003, at 06:31 AM, J.U. Anderegg wrote:

The Java Printing System enables applications to:

- Print Java 2D™ graphics, text and images.
- Control document-composition functions such as soft collating, reverse
order printing, and booklet printing.
- Invoke printer-specific functions such as duplex (two-sided) printing and
- Print on all platforms, including Windows and Solaris.
- Data stream generation by platform printer drivers.

My renderer, based on the Java Printing System and Graphics2D: pure Java
does a perfect job. I will send sources, classes, documentation on request
to my e-mail address.


- Operation: silent or page/printer dialog
- direct printing or output to file
- Supported printers, data streams: PCL, AFP, Postscript, Text, PDF
(PDFWriter required)
- Precise output control by setting page/printer properties of drivers
- Several renderings per run
- Image Formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF (with JAI Image I/O Tools 1.0-rc also BMP,
- SVG Support
- Controls per print job
o Destination file
o Media sizes, bins, trays
o Page orientation
o Sides: simplex/duplex handling
o Print quality
o Chromaticity: color/monochrom
o Copies
o Finishings
o NumberUp, Imposition

Test Environment

- Win2K
- FOP 0.20.5rc2
- Java 1.4.1
- JAI Image I/O Tools 1.0-rc
- Batik-1.5

Sample Printer Configuration:

// double-slash is comment

// debug: lists system printer and and fontinfo

// silent: dont prompt page/printer dialog

// destination: "print to file"


// printer: select an installed printer
printer=hp psc 700 series
//printer=HP LaserJet 5M
//printer=HP LaserJet 4/4M PS
//printer=Generic / Text Only
//printer=Acrobat PDFWriter

// attributes: specify JPS attributes
// PORTRAIT=102 ISO_A4=414
attributes=102 414

// SVGimageResolution: the renderer has SVG rasterized to the available area
size at this resolution

// adjustPrinterResolution: scale at resolutions 72 or 150 or 300 or 600 to
fit the available area most closely

// map standard fonts to platform fonts
TimesMap=Times New Roman
CourierMap=Courier New

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