--- Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Question for Everyone:
> > I *really* like the approach of having the
> > independent package, and
> > recommend that we use the same approach for other
> > StructureRenderers,
> > including MIF, and the yet-unborn
> > merely-glimmers-in-my-mind RawText and TeX
> > renderers. Any comments?
> > 
> Sounds good, but to help me better understand, in
> the
> document you wrote:
> <Q>
> It does not require FOP as a front-end, nor does it
> even require XSL-FO for input. 
> </Q>
> Precisely, what does it require for input?  Will it
> accept XSL-FO for input?  I would put in a sentence
> or
> two explaining what its input is.
> Glen

Restating, I realize it does not contain its own XSLFO
processor, but a short statement at the beginning (in
addition to your detailed summary later on) of what it
*is* fed may help emphasize the black box nature
(i.e., what you're trying to highlight) of this
independent package.


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