We may be able to add a working "setParameter()" to
the new XSLTInputHandler--which could then be used
internally for command line parameter parsing--but I
hate strengthening that wrapper because embedded users
might use it, hence running away from JAXP, something
I would much rather they become proficient in.

Still, we'll probably need to provide this in 1.0 for
CL users.

But to help embedded users, I think the 
example needs updating to show a simple JAXP
addParameter() call.  Patches welcome, Clay... :)


--- Clay Leeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IIRC, there is currently no way to pass parameters
> to the XSL-FO or XSL 
> via FOP from the command line.
> =======
> fop.sh color=blue&date=%DATE% -xml xml-file.xml -xsl
> xsl-file.fo -print
> If this were possible, I could get pass such useful
> items as the current 
> date, or a color or some other parameter that could
> be introduced *at 
> run-time* to the XSL transformation.
> My question is: Is this type of control planned as
> an option from the 
> COMMAND LINE for fop-1.0Dev (TRUNK)?
> Thanks!
> Web Maestro Clay

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