> Do you use the same metrics file ion bothe cases?

Yes I do

>If so, it's probably one of the mapping problems.

Exactly. I saw PDF's inside that have got from FOP 0.20.5 and 0.20.4rc
Missing Japanese character has code 0004 in PDF's stream rendered by FOP
But in PDF from 0.20.4rc symbol with code 0004 is empty space.

> The code should be either in one of the files in the font subdirectory or
in LineArea.java.

Suppose some problem with class that implements mapping.
If you have more exact suggestion, share please.

> You can try a CVS diff for a start.
> Is there a specific reason why you can't simply upgrade? especially
> the 0.20.4rc had a few nasty deficiencies.

Yes, there is. In fact a couple of reasons. One of them is we are planning
to make porting on new FOP (from main branch)

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