pbwest      2004/04/15 00:45:08

  Modified:    src/java/org/apache/fop/render Tag: FOP_0-20-0_Alt-Design
  Generate and return a GraphicsEnvironment
  Revision  Changes    Path
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +5 -507    xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/AbstractRenderer.java
  Index: AbstractRenderer.java
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/AbstractRenderer.java,v
  retrieving revision
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.24.2.3 -r1.24.2.4
  --- AbstractRenderer.java     16 Mar 2004 12:17:53 -0000
  +++ AbstractRenderer.java     15 Apr 2004 07:45:08 -0000
  @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
   package org.apache.fop.render;
  +import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
   import java.io.OutputStream;
   import java.util.HashMap;
   import java.util.Map;
  @@ -47,27 +48,6 @@
       /** renderer configuration */
       protected Map options = new HashMap();
  -//    /** block progression position  */
  -//    protected int currentBPPosition = 0;
  -//    /** inline progression position */
  -//    protected int currentIPPosition = 0;
  -//    /** current inline progression position in block */
  -//    protected int currentBlockIPPosition = 0;
  -//    /**
  -//     * the block progression position of the containing block used for
  -//     * absolutely positioned blocks
  -//     */
  -//    protected int containingBPPosition = 0;
  -//    /**
  -//     * the inline progression position of the containing block used for
  -//     * absolutely positioned blocks
  -//     */
  -//    protected int containingIPPosition = 0;
       protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Fop.fopPackage);
  @@ -80,15 +60,14 @@
       public void run() {
  +    public GraphicsEnvironment getGraphicsEnvironment() {
  +        return null;
  +    }
       public synchronized void setOutputStream(OutputStream output) {
           this.output = output;
  -//    /**
  -//     *  @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer
  -//     */
  -//    public abstract void setupFontInfo(FOTreeControl foTreeControl);
       /**  @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
       public synchronized void setUserAgent(FOUserAgent agent) {
           userAgent = agent;
  @@ -110,12 +89,6 @@
           return false;
  -//    /**
  -//     * @param ext  (todo) Description of the Parameter
  -//     * @see        org.apache.fop.render.Renderer
  -//     */
  -//    public void renderExtension(TreeExt ext) { }
        * Prepare a page for rendering. This is called if the renderer supports
        * out of order rendering. The renderer should prepare the page so that a
  @@ -127,110 +100,6 @@
       public void preparePage(PageViewport page) { }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Utility method to convert a page sequence title to a string. Some
  -//     * renderers may only be able to use a string title. A title is a sequence
  -//     * of inline areas that this method attempts to convert to an equivalent
  -//     * string.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param title  The Title to convert
  -//     * @return       An expanded string representing the title
  -//     */
  -//    protected String convertTitleToString(Title title) {
  -//        List children = title.getInlineAreas();
  -//        String str = convertToString(children);
  -//        return str.trim();
  -//    }
  -//    private String convertToString(List children) {
  -//        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  -//        for (int count = 0; count < children.size(); count++) {
  -//            InlineArea inline = (InlineArea) children.get(count);
  -//            if (inline instanceof Character) {
  -//                sb.append(((Character) inline).getChar());
  -//            } else if (inline instanceof TextArea) {
  -//                sb.append(((TextArea) inline).getTextArea());
  -//            } else if (inline instanceof InlineParent) {
  -//                sb.append(convertToString(
  -//                        ((InlineParent) inline).getChildAreas()));
  -//            } else {
  -//                sb.append(" ");
  -//            }
  -//        }
  -//        return sb.toString();
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    public void startPageSequence(Title seqTitle) {
  -//        //do nothing
  -//    }
  -    // normally this would be overriden to create a page in the
  -    // output
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    public void renderPage(PageViewport page)
  -//        throws IOException, FOPException {
  -//        Page p = page.getPage();
  -//        renderPageAreas(p);
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders page areas.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param page  The page whos page areas are to be rendered
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderPageAreas(Page page) {
  -//        /* Spec does not appear to specify whether fo:region-body should
  -//        appear above or below side regions in cases of overlap.  FOP
  -//        decision is to have fo:region-body on top, hence it is rendered
  -//        last here. */
  -//        RegionViewport viewport;
  -//        viewport = page.getRegionViewport(Region.BEFORE_CODE);
  -//        renderRegionViewport(viewport);
  -//        viewport = page.getRegionViewport(Region.START_CODE);
  -//        renderRegionViewport(viewport);
  -//        viewport = page.getRegionViewport(Region.END_CODE);
  -//        renderRegionViewport(viewport);
  -//        viewport = page.getRegionViewport(Region.AFTER_CODE);
  -//        renderRegionViewport(viewport);
  -//        viewport = page.getRegionViewport(Region.BODY_CODE);
  -//        renderRegionViewport(viewport);
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a region viewport. <p>
  -//     *
  -//     * The region may clip the area and it establishes a position from where
  -//     * the region is placed.</p>
  -//     *
  -//     * @param port  The region viewport to be rendered
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderRegionViewport(RegionViewport port) {
  -//        if (port != null) {
  -//            Rectangle2D view = port.getViewArea();
  -//            // The CoordTransformer will transform coordinates relative to
  -//            // this region-reference area into page coords, so
  -//            // set origin for the region to 0,0.
  -//            currentBPPosition = 0;
  -//            currentIPPosition = 0;
  -//            currentBlockIPPosition = currentIPPosition;
  -//            RegionReference region = port.getRegion();
  -//            handleRegionTraits(port);
  -//            //  shouldn't the viewport have the CoordTransformer
  -//            startVParea(region.getCoordTransformer());
  -//            // do after starting viewport area
  -//            if (region.getRegionClass() == Region.BODY_CODE) {
  -//                renderBodyRegion((BodyRegion) region);
  -//            } else {
  -//                renderRegion(region);
  -//            }
  -//            endVParea();
  -//        }
  -//    }
        * (todo) Description of the Method
  @@ -253,377 +122,6 @@
       protected void endVParea() { }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a region reference area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param region  The region reference area
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderRegion(RegionReference region) {
  -//        List blocks = region.getBlocks();
  -//        renderBlocks(null, blocks);
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a body region area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param region  The body region
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderBodyRegion(BodyRegion region) {
  -//        BeforeFloat bf = region.getBeforeFloat();
  -//        if (bf != null) {
  -//            renderBeforeFloat(bf);
  -//        }
  -//        MainReference mr = region.getMainReference();
  -//        if (mr != null) {
  -//            renderMainReference(mr);
  -//        }
  -//        Footnote foot = region.getFootnote();
  -//        if (foot != null) {
  -//            renderFootnote(foot);
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a before float area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param bf  The before float area
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderBeforeFloat(BeforeFloat bf) {
  -//        List blocks = bf.getChildAreas();
  -//        if (blocks != null) {
  -//            renderBlocks(null, blocks);
  -//            Block sep = bf.getSeparator();
  -//            if (sep != null) {
  -//                renderBlock(sep);
  -//            }
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a footnote
  -//     *
  -//     * @param footnote  The footnote
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderFootnote(Footnote footnote) {
  -//        List blocks = footnote.getChildAreas();
  -//        if (blocks != null) {
  -//            Block sep = footnote.getSeparator();
  -//            if (sep != null) {
  -//                renderBlock(sep);
  -//            }
  -//            renderBlocks(null, blocks);
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders the main reference area.
  -//     * <p>
  -//     * The main reference area contains a list of spans that are
  -//     * stacked on the page.
  -//     * The spans contain a list of normal flow reference areas
  -//     * that are positioned into columns.
  -//     * </p>
  -//     *
  -//     * @param mr  The main reference area
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderMainReference(MainReference mr) {
  -//        int saveIPPos = currentIPPosition;
  -//        Span span = null;
  -//        List spans = mr.getSpans();
  -//        for (int count = 0; count < spans.size(); count++) {
  -//            span = (Span) spans.get(count);
  -//            int offset = (mr.getWidth()
  -//                    - (span.getColumnCount() - 1) * mr.getColumnGap())
  -//                    / span.getColumnCount() + mr.getColumnGap();
  -//            for (int c = 0; c < span.getColumnCount(); c++) {
  -//                Flow flow = (Flow) span.getFlow(c);
  -//                renderFlow(flow);
  -//                currentIPPosition += offset;
  -//            }
  -//            currentIPPosition = saveIPPos;
  -//            currentBPPosition += span.getHeight();
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a flow reference area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param flow  The flow reference area
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderFlow(Flow flow) {
  -//        // the normal flow reference area contains stacked blocks
  -//        List blocks = flow.getChildAreas();
  -//        if (blocks != null) {
  -//            renderBlocks(null, blocks);
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Handle block traits.
  -//     * This method is called when the correct ip and bp posiiton is
  -//     * set. This should be overridden to draw border and background
  -//     * traits for the block area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param block the block area
  -//     */
  -//    protected void handleBlockTraits(Block block) {
  -//        // draw border and background
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a block viewport.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param bv        The block viewport
  -//     * @param children  The children to render within the block viewport
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderBlockViewport(BlockViewport bv, List children) {
  -//        // clip and position viewport if necessary
  -//        if (bv.getPositioning() == Block.ABSOLUTE) {
  -//            // save positions
  -//            int saveIP = currentIPPosition;
  -//            int saveBP = currentBPPosition;
  -//            CoordTransformer ctm = bv.getCoordTransformer();
  -//            currentIPPosition = 0;
  -//            currentBPPosition = 0;
  -//            startVParea(ctm);
  -//            handleBlockTraits(bv);
  -//            renderBlocks(bv, children);
  -//            endVParea();
  -//            // clip if necessary
  -//            currentIPPosition = saveIP;
  -//            currentBPPosition = saveBP;
  -//        } else {
  -//            // save position and offset
  -//            int saveIP = currentIPPosition;
  -//            int saveBP = currentBPPosition;
  -//            handleBlockTraits(bv);
  -//            renderBlocks(bv, children);
  -//            currentIPPosition = saveIP;
  -//            currentBPPosition = saveBP + bv.getHeight();
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a list of block areas.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param parent  the parent block if the parent is a block, otherwise
  -//     *                a null value. 
  -//     * @param blocks  The block areas
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderBlocks(Block parent, List blocks) {
  -//        // the position of the containing block is used for
  -//        // absolutely positioned areas
  -//        int contBP = currentBPPosition;
  -//        int contIP = currentIPPosition;
  -//        containingBPPosition = contBP;
  -//        containingIPPosition = contIP;
  -//        for (int count = 0; count < blocks.size(); count++) {
  -//            Object obj = blocks.get(count);
  -//            if (obj instanceof Block) {
  -//                containingBPPosition = contBP;
  -//                containingIPPosition = contIP;
  -//                renderBlock((Block) obj);
  -//                containingBPPosition = contBP;
  -//                containingIPPosition = contIP;
  -//            } else {
  -//                // a line area is rendered from the top left position
  -//                // of the line, each inline object is offset from there
  -//                LineArea line = (LineArea) obj;
  -//                currentBlockIPPosition =
  -//                        currentIPPosition + line.getStartIndent();
  -//                renderLineArea(line);
  -//                currentBPPosition += line.getHeight();
  -//            }
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a block area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param block  The block area
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderBlock(Block block) {
  -//        List children = block.getChildAreas();
  -//        if (children == null) {
  -//            handleBlockTraits(block);
  -//            // simply move position
  -//            currentBPPosition += block.getHeight();
  -//        } else if (block instanceof BlockViewport) {
  -//            renderBlockViewport((BlockViewport) block, children);
  -//        } else {
  -//            // save position and offset
  -//            int saveIP = currentIPPosition;
  -//            int saveBP = currentBPPosition;
  -//            if (block.getPositioning() == Block.ABSOLUTE) {
  -//                currentIPPosition = containingIPPosition + block.getXOffset();
  -//                currentBPPosition = containingBPPosition + block.getYOffset();
  -//                handleBlockTraits(block);
  -//                renderBlocks(block, children);
  -//                // absolute blocks do not effect the layout
  -//                currentBPPosition = saveBP;
  -//            } else {
  -//                // relative blocks are offset
  -//                currentIPPosition += block.getXOffset();
  -//                currentBPPosition += block.getYOffset();
  -//                handleBlockTraits(block);
  -//                renderBlocks(block, children);
  -//                // stacked and relative blocks effect stacking
  -//                currentBPPosition = saveBP + block.getHeight();
  -//            }
  -//            currentIPPosition = saveIP;
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a line area. <p>
  -//     *
  -//     * A line area may have grouped styling for its children such as underline,
  -//     * background.</p>
  -//     *
  -//     * @param line  The line area
  -//     */
  -//    protected void renderLineArea(LineArea line) {
  -//        List children = line.getInlineAreas();
  -//        for (int count = 0; count < children.size(); count++) {
  -//            InlineArea inline = (InlineArea) children.get(count);
  -//            renderInlineArea(inline);
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    protected void renderInlineArea(InlineArea inlineArea) {
  -//        if (inlineArea instanceof TextArea) {
  -//            renderText((TextArea) inlineArea);
  -//        } else if (inlineArea instanceof InlineParent) {
  -//            renderInlineParent((InlineParent) inlineArea);
  -//        } else if (inlineArea instanceof Space) {
  -//            renderInlineSpace((Space) inlineArea);
  -//        } else if (inlineArea instanceof Character) {
  -//            renderCharacter((Character) inlineArea);
  -//        } else if (inlineArea instanceof Viewport) {
  -//            renderViewport((Viewport) inlineArea);
  -//        } else if (inlineArea instanceof Leader) {
  -//            renderLeader((Leader) inlineArea);
  -//        }
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    protected void renderCharacter(Character ch) {
  -//        currentBlockIPPosition += ch.getWidth();
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    protected void renderInlineSpace(Space space) {
  -//        // an inline space moves the inline progression position
  -//        // for the current block by the width or height of the space
  -//        // it may also have styling (only on this object) that needs
  -//        // handling
  -//        currentBlockIPPosition += space.getWidth();
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    protected void renderLeader(Leader area) {
  -//        currentBlockIPPosition += area.getWidth();
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    protected void renderText(TextArea text) {
  -//        currentBlockIPPosition += text.getWidth();
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    protected void renderInlineParent(InlineParent ip) {
  -//        int saveIP = currentBlockIPPosition;
  -//        Iterator iter = ip.getChildAreas().iterator();
  -//        while (iter.hasNext()) {
  -//            renderInlineArea((InlineArea) iter.next()); 
  -//        }
  -//        currentBlockIPPosition = saveIP + ip.getWidth();
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    protected void renderViewport(Viewport viewport) {
  -//        Area content = viewport.getContent();
  -//        int saveBP = currentBPPosition;
  -//        currentBPPosition += viewport.getOffset();
  -//        Rectangle2D contpos = viewport.getContentPosition();
  -//        if (content instanceof Image) {
  -//            renderImage((Image) content, contpos);
  -//        } else if (content instanceof Container) {
  -//            renderContainer((Container) content);
  -//        } else if (content instanceof ForeignObject) {
  -//            renderForeignObject((ForeignObject) content, contpos);
  -//        }
  -//        currentBlockIPPosition += viewport.getWidth();
  -//        currentBPPosition = saveBP;
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders an image area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param image  The image
  -//     * @param pos    The target position of the image
  -//     * (todo) Make renderImage() protected
  -//     */
  -//    public void renderImage(Image image, Rectangle2D pos) {
  -//        // Default: do nothing.
  -//        // Some renderers (ex. Text) don't support images.
  -//    }
  -//    /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */
  -//    public void renderContainer(Container cont) {
  -//        int saveIP = currentIPPosition;
  -//        currentIPPosition = currentBlockIPPosition;
  -//        int saveBlockIP = currentBlockIPPosition;
  -//        int saveBP = currentBPPosition;
  -//        List blocks = cont.getBlocks();
  -//        renderBlocks(null, blocks);
  -//        currentIPPosition = saveIP;
  -//        currentBlockIPPosition = saveBlockIP;
  -//        currentBPPosition = saveBP;
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Renders a foreign object area.
  -//     *
  -//     * @param fo   The foreign object area
  -//     * @param pos  The target position of the foreign object
  -//     * (todo) Make renderForeignObject() protected
  -//     */
  -//    public void renderForeignObject(ForeignObject fo, Rectangle2D pos) {
  -//        // Default: do nothing.
  -//        // Some renderers (ex. Text) don't support foreign objects.
  -//    }
  -//    /**
  -//     * Set the default xml handler for the given mime type.
  -//     * @param mime MIME type
  -//     * @param handler XMLHandler to use
  -//     */
  -//    public void setDefaultXMLHandler(FOUserAgent foua, String mime,
  -//                                     XMLHandler handler) {
  -//        foua.defaults.put(mime, handler);
  -//    }
        * Add an xml handler for the given mime type and xml namespace.

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