
I have noticed this problem, and it is nice to see that you are taking
it on. I think it would be better to report this item in a patch of
its own. It really is a new issue.


On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 07:00:10PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-04-14 19:00 -------
> Yes, I was quite surprised to see that all the information stored in the 
> BreakPoss was "thrown away" before adding areas; I chose to duplicate the 
> needed values because this involved fewer and less radical changes.
> I have found another small bug concerning hyphenation in the 
> HyphenationTree.hyphenate() method.
> Before checking the exception list or using the algorithm, the 
> function "normalizes" the word: during this phase, if a non-letter character 
> is found null is returned.
>     // normalize word
>     char[] c = new char[2];
>     for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
>         c[0] = w[offset + i - 1];
>         int nc = classmap.find(c, 0);
>         if (nc < 0) {    // found a non-letter character, abort
>             return null;
>         }
>         word[i] = (char)nc;
>     }
> I think the condition (nc < 0) is too strong: at the moment words followed by 
> punctuation marks, or in parenthesis, are not hyphenated.
> This is how I tried to fix this problem:
> - non-letter characters at the beginning are not copied into word[]
> - if a non-letter character is found which is not at the beginning, it is not 
> copied into word[] and a boolean variable becomes true
> - if a letter-character is found when the variable is true, null is returned; 
> otherwise, word[] is used to find hyphenation points
> I have also added a little optimization: if, after the normalization and the 
> non-letter character removal, the word size is less than (remainCharCount + 
> pushCharCount), null is returned, without checking the exception list and 
> performing the algorithm.
> I'm going to attach the proposed patch and a test fo file which shows a few 
> examples.
> Regards
>     Luca

Simon Pepping
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