"A.M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 27.05.2004 16:27:29:

Excuse me for being annoying with the column balancing issue (from fop-user), but it's something that we crucially need. I would like to offer my time to implement this- however it's not clear to me which block attributes are relevant to this. Could someone point me to the page of the spec covering this? (Column balancing is unfortunately the only thing keeping us from FOP.) Thanks.

As far as I can see, column balancing is not really defined as a mechanism
in the XSL recommendation. My interpretation so far is that to do column
balancing if a spanned block follows on the same page and not to do it
if no spanned blocks follows, is one of several allowed user agent
behaviours - and the one that makes the most sense as a default.

If your or someone else finds something in the XSL recommendation
that more precisely defines what should happen, I would be grateful
for a pointer as well.

What Arnd says make sense. I would like to add that any development help you can give will be gratefully received. However, you need to be aware that the maintenance branch 0.20.5 has been frozen, so any patches you submit to 0.20.5 code are unlikely to make it into the code base. I'm not sure that multi column layouts work at all in the development version, but you are more than welcome to help. If you have any questions at all, please dont hesitate to ask.


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