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FYI... Don't have time to take care of this today, but I'm happy to do it Monday... My son's 2nd birthday was yesterday, and a great time was had by all!

Happy Father's Day everyone!

Web Maestro Clay

Begin forwarded message:
From: Jeff Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 20, 2004 4:15:34 AM PDT
To: Clay Leeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FOP Web Site PUBLISH timing out


The box hosting forrestbot.cocoondev.org was hacked recently (through the
CVS remote exploit), and I'm awaiting confirmation that the box has been
cleanly rebuilt before typing in a passphrase to restart the backend.
Sorry for the inconvenience - in the meanwhile you'll need to do things
manually, checking out xml-site/targets/fop/, copying the rendered
Forrest output there manually and committing it.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 08:25:25AM -0700, Clay Leeds wrote:

I'm having trouble publishing xml-fop's web site.

My wild imagination tells me that coincidentally, at the particular
time I attempted to PUBLISH, FORRESTBOT was already PUBLISHing everyone
else's site, because all of the sites have a last run time of '24 mins
9 secs ago'.

However, I tried last week, and although the content shows up in
viewcvs, it hasn't gone LIVE. I've followed the instructions to the
letter on (http://xml.apache.org/fop/dev/doc.html), but the changes are
still not LIVE.


Web Maestro Clay

On Jun 18, 2004, at 7:30 AM, Clay Leeds wrote:

On Jun 17, 2004, at 7:22 PM, Glen Mazza wrote:

Still too timid with the publish button?  Go
ahead--don't worry about the breadcrumb problem right
now--it's OK if it doesn't work for a few days.  More
important is to get you and Simon up on the committers

Actually, I'm pretty sure I clicked the 'PUBLISH' button. I was still
waiting for it to show up (I saw it in viewcvs)... I just tried
publishing again, but it appears to have timed out (it didn't time out
last week). In fact, I just clicked the PUBLISH button again, and it
timed out again. I'm launching Firefox 0.9 and seeing if things work

However, after publishing, to fix the breadcrumb

c:\cvs checkout xml-site

hunt down the breadcrumb.js file under a "fop"
directory somewhere within the files just checked out.

modify it with an earlier "good" version (viewcvs can
help here)

cvs commit again (no subsequent publish needed).


Thanks for the heads up on this process. It makes sense (I guess I knew how to do this part), but it is nice to have the steps...

Hopefully the next time we 'see' each other, we'll have an updated
TEAM page!
Web Maestro Clay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
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