Background posts:

FWIW, as I set about to change this in foray, I realized that the filters
can be disabled by simply passing an empty set through the configuration.
For example:

  <entry role="pdf">

If you completely remove the entire entry, you will get the effect mentioned
by Joerg, but the above will create a List with no entries that will be

Another option:

  <entry role="pdf">
    <value></value>           <!-- This line can be omitted -->

The following will yield a warning, but still give the desired effect:

  <entry role="pdf">

This might be worth documenting for your end users.

This is also relevant to the testing scheme that Joerg put together a long
time ago. If unencoded files are used for the regression testing, then it
becomes more practical to "diff" them for debugging.

Victor Mote

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