Clay Leeds wrote:

On Oct 31, 2004, at 7:17 AM, Florian Hecht wrote:

I' ve developed a form extension for XSL-FO for an university project. It's an extension to FO like the fox extensions. With it you can declare and define the usual form elements like edit fields, radio buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, list boxes, comment fields and buttons. They are inserted into a document as inline objects, so that they flow like normal text. As a proof of concept I've extended fop-0.20.5 to support my form extension. I'm using the system around ExtensionObj to make fop understand my elements and I've extended the PDFRenderer to generate PDF documents that contain forms, that can be filled out and submitted just like normal HTML forms.

This is an oft-requested (once every couple of months counts as 'oft-'...) feature. Thank you for this information! This is exciting, and I can imagine it almost certainly being a tool others may want.

Hi Clay - yes I concur with you. This feature is asked for quite frequently by some of our clients.


The reason why I'm announcing this is that I will finish the project in a couple of days and I don't think I will develop the form extension any further. Maybe someone will find the sources usefull as a starting point or is even willing to develop it further. The sources and the precompiled jar archive can be found at my homepage [1]. I've also got an example fo document with my extension there, together with the resulting PDF file. So anyone who's interested can take a quick look at it. The paper I'm writing on this project will be released in couple of days (in German though, Studienarbeit) together with a little documentation on the form extension in English.

I just wanted to let you know. If you have any questions, just ask me. Any feedback is welcome.

Thanks for letting us know. I am mildly excited about this. However, I fear I wont be able to use it unless it is ported to HEAD.



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