On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 04:39:20PM -0800, Glen Mazza wrote:
> Team,
> PageSequenceLayoutManager implements Runnable,
> theoretically to allow for the layout of each page
> sequence on separate threads.  The more complex
> logical aspects needed for this to happen (e.g., idref
> resolution, page numbering) though are not
> implemented, rendering this feature not very useful. 
> We're not using Runnable now, and so I'd like to yank
> it before the upcoming release--it is easy to place it
> back in later if we do this in the future releases
> (although the more extensive logic will still need to
> be developed).  Thoughts?  Objections?

It is true that nothing has been done to make threading a reality. I
do not object to your removing the Runnable interface.

Are you a fan of Extreme Programming? They seem to teach you to avoid
adding future features.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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